Detection and Quantification of [beta]-Amyloid, Pyroglutamyl A[beta], and
Tau in Aged Canines.
Schmidt, Franziska; Boltze, Johannes; Jäger, Carsten; Hofmann, Sarah;
Willems, Nicole; Seeger, Johannes; Härtig, Wolfgang; Stolzing, Alexandra Less
Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology., Post Author
Corrections: August 5, 2015
Published Ahead-of-Print
Canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome is an age-associated disorder that
resembles many aspects of human Alzheimer disease. The characterization of
canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome has been restricted to selected laboratory
dogs and mongrels, thereby limiting our knowledge of potential breed-related and
age-related differences. We examined the brains of 24 dogs from various breeds.
The frontal cortex, hippocampus, and entorhinal cortex were investigated.
Deposits of [beta]-amyloid (A[beta]) and tau were analyzed phenotypically and
quantified stereologically. In all dogs aged 10 years or older, plaques
containing pyroglutamyl A[beta] and A[beta]8-17 were detected. Within the
ventral hippocampus, significantly more pyroglutamyl A[beta] plaques were
deposited in small and medium dogs than in large dogs. Hyperphosphorylated tau
with formation of neurofibrillary tangles was observed in 3 animals aged 13 to
15 years. This study provides the first investigation of pyroglutamyl A[beta] in
comparison with total A[beta] (as shown by A[beta]8-17 immunoreactivity) in dogs
of different breeds, sizes, and ages. Our results indicate that canine cognitive
dysfunction syndrome is relatively common among aged canines, thereby
emphasizing the relevance of such populations to translational Alzheimer disease
(C) 2015 by American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc.
*** AS implied in the Inset 25 we must not _ASSUME_ that transmission of
BSE to other species will invariably present pathology typical of a scrapie-like
disease. ***
DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Area 307, London, SW1P 4PQ Telephone: 0207 904 6000 Direct line: 0207 904
6287 E-mail:
Mr T S Singeltary P.O. Box 42 Bacliff Texas USA 77518
21 November 2001
Dear Mr Singeltary
Thank you for e-mail regarding the hounds survey. I am sorry for the long
delay in responding.
As you note, the hound survey remains unpublished. However the Spongiform
Encephalopathy Advisory Committee (SEAC), the UK Government's independent
Advisory Committee on all aspects related to BSE-like disease, gave the hound
study detailed consideration at their meeting in January 1994. As a summary of
this meeting published in the BSE inquiry noted, the Committee were clearly
concerned about the work that had been carried out, concluding that there had
clearly been problems with it, particularly the control on the histology, and
that it was more or less inconclusive. However was agreed that there should be a
re-evaluation of the pathological material in the study.
Later, at their meeting in June 95, The Committee re-evaluated the hound
study to see if any useful results could be gained from it. The Chairman
concluded that there were varying opinions within the Committee on further work.
It did not suggest any further transmission studies and thought that the lack of
clinical data was a major weakness.
Overall, it is clear that SEAC had major concerns about the survey as
conducted. As a result it is likely that the authors felt that it would not
stand up to r~eer review and hence it was never published. As noted above, and
in the detailed minutes of the SEAC meeting in June 95, SEAC considered whether
additional work should be performed to examine dogs for evidence of TSE
infection. Although the Committee had mixed views about the merits of conducting
further work, the Chairman noted that when the Southwood Committee made their
recommendation to complete an assessment of possible spongiform disease in dogs,
no TSEs had been identified in other species and hence dogs were perceived as a
high risk population and worthy of study. However subsequent to the original
recommendation, made in 1990, a number of other species had been identified with
TSE ( e.g. cats) so a study in hounds was less
critical. For more details see- http://www.bseinquiry, .pdf
As this study remains unpublished, my understanding is that the ownership
of the data essentially remains with the original researchers. Thus
unfortunately, I am unable to help with your request to supply information on
the hound survey directly. My only suggestion is that you contact one of the
researchers originally involved in the project, such as Gerald Wells. He can be
contacted at the following address.
Dr Gerald Wells, Veterinary Laboratories Agency, New Haw, Addlestone,
Surrey, KT 15 3NB, UK
You may also wish to be aware that since November 1994 all suspected cases
of spongiform encephalopathy in animals and poultry were made notifiable. Hence
since that date there has been a requirement for vets to report any suspect SE
in dogs for further investigation. To date there has never been positive
identification of a TSE in a dog.
I hope this is helpful
Yours sincerely 4
I am sorry, but I really could have been a co-signatory of Gerald's
I do NOT think that we can justify devoting any resources to this study,
especially as larger and more important projects such as the pathogenesis study
will be quite demanding.
If there is a POLITICAL need to continue with the examination of hound
brains then it should be passed entirely to the VI Service.
J W WILESMITH Epidemiology Unit 18 October 1991
Mr. R Bradley
cc: Mr. G A H Wells
3.3. Mr R J Higgins in conjunction with Mr G A Wells and Mr A C Scott would
by the end of the year, indentify the three brains that were from the
''POSITIVE'' end of the lesion spectrum.
TSE in dogs have not been documented simply because OF THE ONLY STUDY,
those brain tissue samples were screwed up too. see my investigation of this
here, and to follow, later follow up, a letter from defra, AND SEE SUSPICIOUS
GAH WELLS (very important statement here...TSS)
AS implied in the Inset 25 we must not _ASSUME_ that transmission of BSE to
other species will invariably present pathology typical of a scrapie-like
76 pages on hound study;
The spongiform changes were not pathognomonic (ie. conclusive proof) for
prion disease, as they were atypical, being largely present in white matter
rather than grey matter in the brain and spinal cord. However, Tony Scott, then
head of electron microscopy work on TSEs, had no doubt that these SAFs were
genuine and that these hounds therefore must have had a scrapie-like disease. I
reviewed all the sections myself (original notes appended) and although the
pathology was not typical, I could not exclude the possibility that this was a
scrapie-like disorder, as white matter vacuolation is seen in TSEs and Wallerian
degeneration was also present in the white matter of the hounds, another feature
of scrapie.
38.I reviewed the literature on hound neuropathology, and discovered that
micrographs and descriptive neuropathology from papers on 'hound ataxia'
mirrored those in material from Robert Higgins' hound survey. Dr Tony Palmer
(Cambridge) had done much of this work, and I obtained original sections from
hound ataxia cases from him. This enabled me provisionally to conclude that
Robert Higgins had in all probability detected hound ataxia, but also that hound
ataxia itself was possibly a TSE. Gerald Wells confirmed in 'blind' examination
of single restricted microscopic fields that there was no distinction between
the white matter vacuolation present in BSE and scrapie cases, and that
occurring in hound ataxia and the hound survey cases.
39.Hound ataxia had reportedly been occurring since the 1930's, and a known
risk factor for its development was the feeding to hounds of downer cows, and
particularly bovine offal. Circumstantial evidence suggests that bovine offal
may also be causal in FSE, and TME in mink. Despite the inconclusive nature of
the neuropathology, it was clearly evident that this putative canine spongiform
encephalopathy merited further investigation.
40.The inconclusive results in hounds were never confirmed, nor was the
link with hound ataxia pursued. I telephoned Robert Higgins six years after he
first sent the slides to CVL. I was informed that despite his submitting a
yearly report to the CVO including the suggestion that the hound work be
continued, no further work had been done since 1991. This was surprising, to say
the very least.
41.The hound work could have provided valuable evidence that a scrapie-like
agent may have been present in cattle offal long before the BSE epidemic was
recognised. The MAFF hound survey remains unpublished.
Histopathological support to various other published MAFF experiments
42.These included neuropathological examination of material from
experiments studying the attempted transmission of BSE to chickens and pigs (CVL
1991) and to mice (RVC 1994).
It was thought likely that at least some, and probably all, of the cases in
zoo animals were caused by the BSE agent. Strong support for this hypothesis
came from the findings of Bruce and others (1994) ( Bruce, M.E., Chree, A.,
McConnell, I., Foster, J., Pearson, G. & Fraser, H. (1994) Transmission of
bovine spongiform encephalopathy and scrapie to mice: strain variation and
species barrier. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 343, 405-411:
J/PTRSL/343/405 ), who demonstrated that the pattern of variation in incubation
period and lesion profile in six strains of mice inoculated with brain
homogenates from an affected kudu and the nyala, was similar to that seen when
this panel of mouse strains was inoculated with brain from cattle with BSE. The
affected zoo bovids were all from herds that were exposed to feeds that were
likely to have contained contaminated ruminant-derived protein and the zoo
felids had been exposed, if only occasionally in some cases, to tissues from
cattle unfit for human consumption.
OR-09: Canine spongiform encephalopathy—A new form of animal prion disease
Monique David, Mourad Tayebi UT Health; Houston, TX USA
It was also hypothesized that BSE might have originated from an
unrecognized sporadic or genetic case of bovine prion disease incorporated into
cattle feed or even cattle feed contaminated with prion-infected human remains.1
However, strong support for a genetic origin of BSE has recently been
demonstrated in an H-type BSE case exhibiting the novel mutation E211K.2
Furthermore, a specific prion protein strain causing BSE in cattle is believed
to be the etiological agent responsible for the novel human prion disease,
variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD).3 Cases of vCJD have been identified in
a number countries, including France, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Canada,
Japan, US and the UK with the largest number of cases. Naturally occurring
feline spongiform encephalopathy of domestic cats4 and spongiform
encephalopathies of a number of zoo animals so-called exotic ungulate
encephalopathies5,6 are also recognized as animal prion diseases, and are
thought to have resulted from the same BSE-contaminated food given to cattle and
humans, although and at least in some of these cases, a sporadic and/or genetic
etiology cannot be ruled out. The canine species seems to display resistance to
prion disease and no single case has so far been reported.7,8 Here, we describe
a case of a 9 week old male Rottweiler puppy presenting neurological deficits;
and histological examination revealed spongiform vacuolation characteristic of
those associated with prion diseases.9 Initial biochemical studies using
anti-PrP antibodies revealed the presence of partially proteinase K-resistant
fragment by western blotting. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed
spongiform degeneration consistent with those found in prion disease and
displayed staining for PrPSc in the cortex.
Of major importance, PrPSc isolated from the Rottweiler was able to cross
the species barrier transmitted to hamster in vitro with PMCA and in vivo (one
hamster out of 5). Futhermore, second in vivo passage to hamsters, led to 100%
attack rate (n = 4) and animals displayed untypical lesional profile and shorter
incubation period.
In this study, we show that the canine species might be sensitive to prion
disease and that PrPSc isolated from a dog can be transmitted to dogs and
hamsters in vitro using PMCA and in vivo to hamsters.
If our preliminary results are confirmed, the proposal will have a major
impact on animal and public health and would certainly lead to implementing new
control measures for ‘canine spongiform encephalopathy’ (CSE).
References 1. Colchester AC, Colchester NT. The origin of bovine spongiform
encephalopathy: the human prion disease hypothesis. Lancet 2005; 366:856-61;
PMID:16139661; http://
2. Richt JA, Hall SM. BSE case associated with prion protein gene mutation.
PLoS Pathog 2008; 4:e1000156; PMID:18787697;
3. Collinge J. Human prion diseases and bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE). Hum Mol Genet 1997; 6:1699-705; PMID:9300662;
4. Wyatt JM, Pearson GR, Smerdon TN, Gruffydd-Jones TJ, Wells GA, Wilesmith
JW. Naturally occurring scrapie-like spongiform encephalopathy in five domestic
cats. Vet Rec 1991; 129:233-6; PMID:1957458;
5. Jeffrey M, Wells GA. Spongiform encephalopathy in a nyala (Tragelaphus
angasi). Vet Pathol 1988; 25:398-9; PMID:3232315;
6. Kirkwood JK, Wells GA, Wilesmith JW, Cunningham AA, Jackson SI.
Spongiform encephalopathy in an arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) and a greater kudu
(Tragelaphus strepsiceros). Vet Rec 1990; 127:418-20; PMID:2264242.
7. Bartz JC, McKenzie DI, Bessen RA, Marsh RF, Aiken JM. Transmissible mink
encephalopathy species barrier effect between ferret and mink: PrP gene and
protein analysis. J Gen Virol 1994; 75:2947-53; PMID:7964604;
8. Lysek DA, Schorn C, Nivon LG, Esteve-Moya V, Christen B, Calzolai L, et
al. Prion protein NMR structures of cats, dogs, pigs, and sheep. Proc Natl Acad
Sci U S A 2005; 102:640-5; PMID:15647367;
9. Budka H. Neuropathology of prion diseases. Br Med Bull 2003; 66:121-30;
Monday, March 26, 2012
Monday, March 8, 2010
Canine Spongiform Encephalopathy aka MAD DOG DISEASE
Friday, August 7, 2015
Transgenic Mouse Bioassay: Evidence That Rabbits Are Susceptible to a
Variety of Prion Isolates
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Porcine Prion Protein Amyloid or mad pig disease PSE
Slowly progressive lymphohistiocytic meningoencephalomyelitis in 21 adult
cats presenting with peculiar neurological signs
Luisa De Risio1, Richard Brown2, Bryn Tennant3, Andy Sparkes4, Lara
Matiasek1,5, Alberta de Stefani1, Herbert Weissenböck6 and Kaspar Matiasek1,7
Twenty-one cats presented with a history of slowly progressive neurological
signs characterised by a stiff extended tail, behavioural changes, and spastic
and ataxic gait. All cats had outdoor access and lived in the same geographical
rural area in north-east Scotland. Histological findings were consistent with
lymphohistiocytic meningoencephalomyelitis. Immunohistochemistry ruled out 15
pathogens and showed a significant expression of the interferon-inducible Mx
protein, suggesting an as yet unidentified infective or environmental
immunogenic trigger as the possible causative agent. The late age at onset (mean
9 years), the very slow progression of clinical signs (mean 11 months) and the
peculiar clinical presentation (particularly the posture of the tail) have not
been reported previously in cats with lymphohistiocytic
Friday, April 17, 2015
Assessing Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Species Barriers with an
In Vitro Prion Protein Conversion Assay
>>> show some preliminary results suggesting that bobcats (Lynx
rufus) may be susceptible to white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) chronic
wasting disease agent.
AD.63: Susceptibility of domestic cats to chronic wasting disease
Amy V.Nalls,1 Candace Mathiason,1 Davis Seelig,2 Susan Kraft,1 Kevin
Carnes,1 Kelly Anderson,1 Jeanette Hayes-Klug1 and Edward A. Hoover1
1Colorado State University; Fort Collins, CO USA; 2University of Minnesota;
Saint Paul, MN USA
Domestic and nondomestic cats have been shown to be susceptible to feline
spongiform encephalopathy (FSE), almost certainly caused by consumption of
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)-contaminated meat. Because domestic and
free-ranging nondomestic felids scavenge cervid carcasses, including those in
areas affected by chronic wasting disease (CWD), we evaluated the susceptibility
of the domestic cat (Felis catus) to CWD infection experimentally. Cohorts of 5
cats each were inoculated either intracerebrally (IC) or orally (PO) with
CWD-infected deer brain. At 40 and 42 mo post-inoculation, two IC-inoculated
cats developed signs consistent with prion disease, including a stilted gait,
weight loss, anorexia, polydipsia, patterned motor behaviors, head and tail
tremors, and ataxia, and progressed to terminal disease within 5 mo. Brains from
these two cats were pooled and inoculated into cohorts of cats by IC, PO, and
intraperitoneal and subcutaneous (IP/SC) routes. Upon subpassage, feline-adapted
CWD (FelCWD) was transmitted to all IC-inoculated cats with a decreased
incubation period of 23 to 27 mo. FelCWD was detected in the brains of all the
symptomatic cats by western blotting and immunohistochemistry and abnormalities
were seen in magnetic resonance imaging, including multifocal T2 fluid
attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) signal hyper-intensities, ventricular size
increases, prominent sulci, and white matter tract cavitation. Currently, 3 of 4
IP/SQ and 2 of 4 PO inoculared cats have developed abnormal behavior patterns
consistent with the early stage of feline CWD. These results demonstrate that
CWD can be transmitted and adapted to the domestic cat, thus raising the issue
of potential cervid-to- feline transmission in nature.
PO-081: Chronic wasting disease in the cat— Similarities to feline
spongiform encephalopathy (FSE)
PO-081: Chronic wasting disease in the cat— Similarities to feline
spongiform encephalopathy (FSE)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE CWD PRION2012 Aerosol, Inhalation transmission,
Scrapie, cats, species barrier, burial, and more
Monday, August 8, 2011
Susceptibility of Domestic Cats to CWD Infection
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Prion2013 Chronic Wasting Disease CWD risk factors, humans, domestic cats,
blood, and mother to offspring transmission
Feline Spongiform Encephalopathy (FSE) FSE was first identified in the UK
in 1990. Most cases have been reported in the UK, where the epidemic has been
consistent with that of the BSE epidemic. Some other countries (e.g. Norway,
Liechtenstein and France) have also reported cases.
Most cases have been reported in domestic cats but there have also been
cases in captive exotic cats (e.g. Cheetah, Lion, Asian leopard cat, Ocelot,
Puma and Tiger). The disease is characterised by progressive nervous signs,
including ataxia, hyper-reactivity and behavioural changes and is fatal.
The chemical and biological properties of the infectious agent are
identical to those of the BSE and vCJD agents. These findings support the
hypothesis that the FSE epidemic resulted from the consumption of food
contaminated with the BSE agent.
The FSE epidemic has declined as a result of tight controls on the disposal
of specified risk material and other animal by-products.
References: Leggett, M.M. et al.(1990) A spongiform encephalopathy in a
cat. Veterinary Record. 127. 586-588
Synge, B.A. et al. (1991) Spongiform encephalopathy in a Scottish cat.
Veterinary Record. 129. 320
Wyatt, J. M. et al. (1991) Naturally occurring scrapie-like spongiform
encephalopathy in five domestic cats. Veterinary Record. 129. 233.
Gruffydd-Jones, T. al.. (1991) Feline spongiform encephalopathy. J.
Small Animal Practice. 33. 471-476.
Pearson, G. R. et al. (1992) Feline spongiform encephalopathy: fibril and
PrP studies. Veterinary Record. 131. 307-310.
Willoughby, K. et al. (1992) Spongiform encephalopathy in a captive puma
(Felis concolor). Veterinary Record. 131. 431-434.
Fraser, H. et al. (1994) Transmission of feline spongiform encephalopathy
to mice. Veterinary Record 134. 449.
Bratberg, B. et al. (1995) Feline spongiform encephalopathy in a cat in
Norway. Veterinary Record 136. 444
Baron, T. et al. (1997) Spongiform encephalopathy in an imported cheetah in
France. Veterinary Record 141. 270-271
Zanusso, G et al. (1998) Simultaneous occurrence of spongiform
encephalopathy in a man and his cat in Italy. Lancet, V352, N9134, OCT 3, Pp
Ryder, S.J. et al. (2001) Inconsistent detection of PrP in extraneural
tissues of cats with feline spongiform encephalopathy. Veterinary Record 146.
Kelly, D.F. et al. (2005) Neuropathological findings in cats with
clinically suspect but histologically unconfirmed feline spongiform
encephalopathy. Veterinary Record 156. 472-477.
3 further cheetah cases have occured, plus 1 lion, plus all the primates,
and 20 additional house cats. Nothing has been published on any of these UK
cases either. One supposes the problem here with publishing is that many
unpublished cases were _born_ long after the feed "ban". Caught between a rock
and a hard place: leaky ban or horizontal transmission (or both).
YOU explained that imported crushed heads were extensively used in the
petfood industry...
In particular I do not believe one can say that the levels of the scrapie
agent in pet food are so low that domestic animals are not exposed...
on occassions, materials obtained from slaughterhouses will be derived from
sheep affected with scrapie or cattle that may be incubating BSE for use in
petfood manufacture...
*** Meldrum's notes on pet foods and materials used
*** BSE & Pedigree Petfoods ***
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Weld County Bi-Products dba Fort Morgan Pet Foods 6/1/12 significant
deviations from requirements in FDA regulations that are intended to reduce the
risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) within the United States
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Additional BSE TSE prion testing detects pathologic lesion in unusual brain
location and PrPsc by PMCA only, how many cases have we missed?
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
*** FDA U.S. Measures to Protect Against BSE ***
Thursday, July 30, 2015
*** Prion Disease Induces Alzheimer Disease-Like Neuropathologic Changes
Self-Propagative Replication of Ab Oligomers Suggests Potential
Transmissibility in Alzheimer Disease
Received July 24, 2014; Accepted September 16, 2014; Published November 3,
*** Singeltary comment ;
Terry S. Singeltary Sr.